A message from Karl Ingram and Allan Nicolson:
There is still time to send in your feedback about the two projects making up the proposal for a ‘Woodlands Project 2′. The plan is to fell the remaining monoculture of conifers on the south bank of the Papana Burn and replant with native broadleaved woodland. This would allow more light in to the replanted bank and to the existing woodland next to the park, resulting in a more diverse range of plant and animal life in the area. Also, there is a proposal to remove twelve conifers just above the road bridge, some of which are showing signs of distress and therefore their removal has been recommended. This work would leave the deciduous and monkey puzzle trees space to thrive.
If you have not already sent in your feedback, please fill out the website feedback form so we can get a full picture of all residents’ opinions on this matter. We would like all feedback in by the end of April if possible. Thank you.