We’re looking forward to the Village Show next Saturday.
To enter – bring your entries to the hall either Friday 7-9pm or Saturday 8-10am (sharp!) £2 to enter, free for under 18s. The Show opens at 2pm with teas and tombola. Please bring change!
The Schedule can be viewed online on the village website.
As ever, we are very grateful for donations of cake for the teas and items for the tombola. Please bring along to the hall on the morning of the Show.
Cupholders – please bring your cup to the hall on the morning of the show or pass to Malcolm (Whitelaws) or Jo (1 Tanderlane Cotts) this week.
Set up – we’ll be setting up the hall on Thursday 6pm and are grateful for any help with moving tables.
We look forward to seeing you there! Malcolm, Jo and GHS committee