Rural Support Payments

We will soon be starting our leaflet drop to all households who have not yet applied for the £100 rural support payment.

Save us paper and stepcount by sending in your application now. We would also be grateful if you would share with in your local WhatsApp, email groups or networks. Or maybe you have a neighbour who is not online? We can send you a prntable version to hand to them.

The rural suport fund is available for ALL households in the ward in recognition of extra costs of living rurally. A third of the households in our community have already received their payment.

Rural support for all (£100) – application form here

The leaflet will also include information regarding the contribution for renewables / energy effciency installations.
Low Carbon Community contributions for households – application form here

If you have any trouble with the forms, or would prefer a printable version, please email me at for alternative methods.

Both funds are managed by GMCC by application to Crystal Rig Community Windfarm Community Benefit Fund.

We are also looking for volunteers to take some of the leaflets round. Please let me know if you can help.

Anna, on behalf of GMCC