As shared previously, we have been looking for innovative ways to raise funds for the Village Hall during these challenging times, whilst complying with the latest Government regulations.
Thanks to Amazon, we have the perfect opportunity to enable us all to raise money for the Hall from the comfort of our own homes by investing only 5 minutes of time.
As a registered charity, the Garvald Village Hall Trust can take advantage of the Amazon Smile scheme whereby a small percentage of every purchase you make from Amazon will be donated to the Hall. Amazon has donated £4.6million to charities across the UK through Smile since it was launched. Specifically:
- Amazon donates 0.5% of every purchase to the hall, paid on a quarterly basis. Collectively, across the village, this could raise a decent amount.
- This does not impact the pricing of things you buy on Amazon
- No details of an individual’s purchases or names are shared in the reporting to the Hall: its simply the number of registered users, number of items contributing to the donation and the monetary value.
- The income will be reported at the Hall Committee meetings and in the Annual Accounts, open to all to view.
To participate takes no more than 5 minutes:
- Register at:
- For a web browser on a computer, always use when buying from Amazon
- On the mobile app:
- For Android, go to settings and tap the button for Turn On AmazonSmile
- For Apple, the app cant be used at the moment, but there is an alternative you can set up a shortcut to the Amazon Smile website which gives a near identical experience to the app. It’s very quick and easy to do:
- If you have the Amazon App installed, please remove it. To do this, tap and hold the app icon until it starts to jiggle. Tap the cross at the top left of the icon and confirm that you want to delete it. Don’t worry, this will not delete your Amazon account or any of your settings.
- Now load Safari (the Apple internet browser) and go to
- Tap the ‘share’ button on the bottom of the screen.
- Tap the ‘Add to Home Screen’ icon. You may need to swipe to the left to see this.
- You will now have an Amazon Smile icon on your home screen which you can use in exactly the same way you used the Amazon App.