East Lothian Climate Hub – Energy Saving Measures – Volunteers Required

In an effort to optimise energy efficiency  of households, the East Lothian Climate Hub is acquiring a thermal imaging camera for Garvald and Morham. Reports will be issued showing areas of any heat loss and recommended measures to improve insulation .

We are looking for four local volunteers to help. This would entail attending a training course, in East Lothian, and visiting around one household per week during the six months of winter/cold weather.

If you are interested in helping, please complete the contact form, below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form:


    PUBlic Philosophy at The Garvald Inn – Wednesday 5th June

    On Wednesday 5th June, 8-10pm (not Thursday as usual), we will have an ad hoc PUBlic Philosophy event. Pascal Brixel (from Northwestern University in Chicago), Jan Kandiyali (from the University of York), and Barry Maguire (University of Edinburgh) will attempt to make a case for Twenty-First Century CommunismWe will offer a moral argument rather than an economic one, and rather than offering criticisms of capitalism (which is shooting fish in a barrel) we will develop a positive case for a radical alternative, based on the value of solidarity in our productive lives. All welcome as always. ¡Viva la Revolución!

    Lucy’s Place – Navigation Skills in The Pentlands

    Summer is here so let’s get out on the hills! Want to feel more confident navigating in the Scottish hills? Why not join us for our next community well-being event in the Pentlands on Sunday 9th June?
    Open to all by application here https://forms.gle/MA1xp5vE72o2bw6i9 or from info@lucysplace.org . Forms are also available from Carfrae Farm shop, Garvald or Beech and Birch in Gifford.
    Dr Richard Phillips at Wild Caledonia, an experienced International Mountain Leader with an academic background in geology, will be your guide. He is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the Scottish landscape. The Pentlands offers a great opportunity to get on the hills, explore the geology and learn some navigation and mountain safety tips. It’s set to be a lovely trip.
    Thanks to Crystal Rigg Community Fund and Garvald & Morham Community Council, the event is free and spaces prioritized for anyone engaged in psychological therapy to improve their mental well-being and anyone living in Garvald and Morham ward. This event is however open to all to apply. Wider communities are invited to give a donation of whatever they can afford.
    If you are interested in taking part then we must receive a completed application.
    Applications need to be received at least two weeks prior to the specific activity – please see the links, above. Places are limited so please get your application in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. You will be contacted shortly before the event to confirm your place, discuss any health concerns you’ve highlighted and explain kit for the day. This is to ensure everyone gets the most from the activity.
    Lucys place CIC is a holistic well-being service founded and run by Dr Lucy Abraham, Consultant Clinical Psychologist. It offers private Clinical Psychology and evidence based psychological therapy both face to face in our Haddington clinic or online. These paid for services combined with charity monies fund complementary well-being activities in the outdoors.
    Follow us @Lucy’s Place on Facebook or instagram for more information or visit our website at Lucysplace.org.
    We hope to see you there.

    Plant Sale & Coffee Afternoon Success

    Thank you to all who came along today and bought and/or contributed to the plant sale.  So far £116 has been raised for the Village Hall.  There are still some plants available to purchase which have been left outside the hall.   If you would like to buy any of these, please just pop your money through the letterbox at Whitelaws.

    Thanks also to those who donated and/or purchased cakes and treats and teas/coffees.  A total of £76 was raised for the Village Hall and it was lovely to see everyone enjoying their refreshments in the sunshine.  A successful day!


    REMINDER: Local Community Engagement Visits – Police Scotland

    Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Logo
    The Police
    Message Type Icon

    Community Engagement Visits

    The Haddington Community Officer will be out and about in the community engagement van on Tuesday 14th May.

    Gifford from 10-11AM parking in the Square

    Garvald 1115 – 1215 parking at the Town Hall

    East Linton 2pm – 3pm at Station Road/Bridge End where parking permits

    Message Sent By
    Alannah Juchniewicz
    (Police Scotland, PC, J Div – East Lothian – Community Planning Officer, Haddington)

    Plant sale & coffee afternoon – Sat 18th May

    A reminder that the Plant Sale will be this coming Saturday, 18th May at 2-3.30pm, outside the village hall.  Please drop off any donations on the day after 1pm, or in advance to Malcolm at Whitelaws.  Last year the sale was well supported and made £230 for the hall!

    Isla Evatt and team will be in the hall at the same time selling teas, coffees and cakes to raise funds for the hall.  Any donations of baking would be appreciated and can also be dropped off at the hall on the day after 1pm or in advance to Isla at Burnbrae.
