Saturday 11/04/2020: Neighbourhood Watch Garvald (NHW)

An update from Phillip White, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator:

We have a NHW scheme which covers our village and surrounding area. At this present time it will allow the Garvald Resilience Team to communicate any relevant information that might concern us all via this platform.
If you are not a member please consider joining our scheme. All that is required is your Email address which is never given out or shown to the 52 other members in the village.
Normally the information that is sent out is about safety, security and the latest online scams, which is very useful.
Stay safe

If you wish to join the NHW scheme, please use the contact form, below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form: