Low Carbon Rural Communities Partnership

GMCC and a group of local volunteers have been working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access assitance towards becoming ‘Low Carbon Communities’.

We are hoping to hold a ‘Meet the Expert’ event early next year which could offer advice on everything from struggling with fuel bills; to making your home warmer and more efficient; to top tips to save energy in the home;  to installing renewable technologies. This advice covers renter, landlords and owner-occupier accomodation plus small businesses.  There is also quite a bit of financial and practical support available for these.

We will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming months, through this site and the Facebook channels.

Please watch out for the registration of interest survey too which wll help us know which experts to bring along.

Could you help?

To get the most from this offer, we need a few more people to help set this up, share information, collect and generate ideas, or help at the event. Please let us know on the contact form if you would like to get involved.

There is also the opportunity for one or two local volunteers to receive free training on how to give basic energy advice and signpost the practical and financial support available which will help us all after the event.

This project has been fully funded and we are so lucky to have been chosen as one of the first communities to participate.

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