Yes it is the time of year when, unfortunately, we must turn our attention to the fact that Winter is upon us and be ready for everything it has to throw at us! We all know that bad weather and difficult driving conditions are all part of living rurally but there are a few things we can do to make it a little easier for us all.
The Council website ( has helpful information contained on the “Transport and Streets” section regarding winter maintenance on roads, gritting etc. Also have a look at the Scottish Government’s “Ready Scotland” website where you can find out how to get updates on road conditions via Facebook, email or SMS alerts! Also see our new Safety Information webpage.
Grit bins and shovels are available throughout the villages of Garvald and Morham for use of the local community – if you don’t know where to access them please let us know by posting a comment to this item.
The Community Council have been requested by the Council’s Roads Section to ask that residents please give some consideration when parking to allow access, not just for emergency vehicles, but also for the machines gritting and clearing snow. The wide blades of the snow clearers are particularly hard to manoeuvre and if the operators cannot get access or if the area looks too difficult to get into then they will simply be unable to grit or clear snow. They have pointed out a particular difficulty at Garvald Grange but it makes sense for everyone to be aware of this issue.
We are lucky to have a wonderful community spirit but sometimes people don’t always like to ask for help. If you have any elderly or infirm neighbours perhaps they would be grateful for an offer of help during bad weather such as clearing a path or picking up essential groceries etc.
If anyone wants to make any comments, volunteer to be part of a ‘shovelling squad’ to help those who need it, or feels that they may need any extra assistance in the event of severe weather, please contact us.