Message from Penny Short,
Champion for Children & Young People, Haddington & Lammermuir Area Partnership:
Following consultation and the overwhelmingly positive response from villagers regarding installing a shelter in the park, I submitted an application to the Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership for funding and this was recently approved. I am delighted to let you know that the shelter will be installed very soon.
As you will be aware, the shelter will be installed, maintained and looked after by the Council’s Amenity Services and its location and design was largely dictated by Amenity Services to fit in best with the play park and surrounding area. Ideally I would have liked a door on it and perhaps comfier seating but health and safety regulations meant that this was not possible – however it will still be an excellent shelter/haven for those in need. It will have a motion sensor light (as we know it can get very dark in the park in winter) which will only go on if someone is using the shelter and I am still in discussions to organise wi-fi which will be very useful.
As initially proposed it will be built principally to be used by our young people as a social space and to recognise that they are a very valuable part of our community and it is important that their needs are met and their voices are heard. But of course it is hoped that the shelter will be used by all villagers, young and not so young, and I know that everyone will, as always, use it responsibly and considerately bearing in mind the close proximity of houses to the public park. I hope this will be a great asset to the village and that everyone will enjoy using it.