Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community: Renewables

GMCC and a group of local volunteers are working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access practical assitance and advice around heating your home. Not only will we be creating a ‘Meet the Experts’ event in Garvald Vllage Hall on Saturday 3rd February, we will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming month, through this site and the Facebook channels.


Find out if your home is suitable for a heat pump, solar panels, energy storage or other renewable technologies, by visiting the Energy Saving Trust’s Home Renewables Selector.

Home Energy Scotland also provide free specialist advice if you are thinking about installing renewables. Why not give them a call on 0808 808 2282 today?

Advisors will be available at our event in Garvald Village Hall on Saturday 3rd February.