Notice from P Short, Chair G&MCC:
Following the cancellation of the scheduled works on 17 January (due to Scottish Power’s reluctance to leave households without power in horrendous weather conditions and their need to service emergency call-outs), I have been contacted by Chris McVey from SPIE (contracted by Scottish Power to carry out the work) with an update.
The work will now take place on Monday 12 February and I am told you should receive letters shortly. This is outwith the 28 days notice that we were told we’d be given for the rescheduled work, but there doesn’t appear to be another option. I understand that certain households in the village centre will be served by a generator which will continue to provide electricity, but I have not been told which houses this will cover. Unfortunately this backup service will not extend to outlying areas such as Tanderlane, Castle Moffat, Garvald Mains or Nunraw Barns. Obviously this is not ideal, as the work will now occur during the school holidays but unfortunately they will not change the date. If you have any concerns or questions or wish to complain please telephone Chris McVey on 01750 725404.