Category Archives: Website News

Win a garden centre voucher!

Sign up for Email Updates and enter the Prize Draw….
At the end of August, all active subscribers to the free ’email updates’ service will have their names entered into a prize draw. If you haven’t already done so, go ahead and sign up right now! It’s a great way to keep informed of Garvald village news without having to check the website regularly.

How to sign up:
Click on the link below. Enter your email address and you will receive an activation email to start the ’email updates’ service. Once you have activated the service your name will be entered into the prize draw.

Click here to receive updates via email and enter the prize draw.

Good luck!

Apologies for recent service disruption!

Sorry to everyone who tried to access the site last night, and found it unavailable. We’d used up our allocated bandwidth – which is a nice problem to have, as it means lots of people have been logging on! Lothian Broadband have now extended our allowance – many thanks to them – so normal service is resumed …


Welcome to the Garvald Website!

Welcome to the Garvald website. And thank-you for logging on. We very much hope that you like the look of what you’ve found. And have managed to navigate the various pages without any difficulty.

To keep the site interesting and relevant, we now need your help. Please e-mail us with bits and bobs of news, and pictures of the village and events. You’ll find an easy to use contact form here. We very much look forward to hearing from you. Blog on!

Has Spring sprung in Garvald?

The mornings are getting lighter. And the nights are drawing out. The garden birds are beginning to chorus.  And the woodpecker has started to drill. Add in blooming daffodils and croci, and the first sign of tulips pushing through. Could we really have turned the corner? Hope so …