Category Archives: History

Garvald History Book

Following the successful local history night last summer, organised by the John Grey Centre Archives Department, local resident Tim Flinn suggested that Irene Anderson‘s book ‘Garvald, the history of an East Lothian Parish‘ could be digitised for archiving purposes and perhaps reformatted to make it easier to read. Heidi Ingram agreed this was a great idea, as there are few surviving copies of the printed book and the text may be of interest to village residents who haven’t seen it before. Due to the tiny print in the original book not being great for word scanning software, she dictated the work into digital format and scanned in Irene’s illustrations. She used these to produce a revised and updated second edition, including recent local projects and information from the 2011 Census. This edition has been published in her memory, knowing that she would have been delighted that her extensive and important research lives on and has been archived for posterity. Her sister has been sent information about the project. It is formatted primarily for online reading (but has been set to A5 page size so that it could be printed with two pages per A4 sheet). It can be found on the History of Garvald page.

Garvald School

Received a message from Bill Anderson which may be of interest to you all… Hoping he’ll send on some more historical photos to go on the website Gallery.

Hi there,
I have just found your web site and thought I would get in touch, our dad was John Anderson who was headmaster of the two teacher Garvald Primary through the 1950’s until the late 1960’s, when we moved to Rosewell. I was brought up in Garvald at the school house from 1953 until 1968 and it was a wonderful place to grow up in at that time of innocence. Sadly our dad passed away in September 2015 at the grand age of 96 and my twin brother may have some photos of Garvald school that may be of interest to you.

Family history info for Roslyn Lang?

My name is Roslyn Lang, my Grandmother was Mary Gray, her Parents were Robert & Margaret Gray and she lived in Garvald till approx. 1908. She travelled to Sydney, Aust. and later met and married Robert Scott Stewart, who was from Helensburgh, Scotland. They had one child, my father, who was also Robert Scott Stewart. If anyone has any information about Mary Gray I would appreciate it. I would like to know her family’s address in Garvald if that is possible. I intend to come back to Garvald again & would like to know where she lived.

Thanking you, Roslyn Lang

Laing family history message from Lynn Samuels

A message from Lynn Samuels of New Zealand:

Hi, I remember coming out to the farm where my Uncle Johnny and Auntie Cath Laing were living. Uncle Johnny was Grieve for the Youngers, followed by his son John, married to May. It would be great if members of the family wanted to get in contact. I have a Highland cattle fold in Dunedin New Zealand and would love to hear from anyone that wants to get in touch.

Best wishes, Lynn.