Category Archives: East Lothian Council

Climate change consultation

East Lothian Council has developed a Draft East Lothian Climate Change Strategy 2019–2024, for consultation, setting out how we will continue to reduce the carbon emissions that cause global warming, adapt to changes in our climate and improve sustainability. They would like to hear your views on proposals for how the Council, and the wider East Lothian community, including local communities, businesses, organisations and individuals, can tackle climate change.

The Draft Climate Change Strategy sets out how East Lothian Council will tackle climate change locally in East Lothian, and how it will work in partnership to ensure that East Lothian can play its full part in the national and international efforts to reduce carbon emissions. The Strategy sets out the priorities and actions for the Council and the wider East Lothian community to mitigate against and reduce the impacts of climate change.

The public consultation is underway on the draft strategy until 22nd July 2019. You can access the consultation here.

Further information on the consultation on the Draft Climate Change Strategy is available on the East Lothian Council website. Look out for further promotion via the Council’s Twitter and Facebook, or email for more information.