Category Archives: Announcements

East Lothian Climate Hub – Energy Saving Measures – Volunteers Required

In an effort to optimise energy efficiency  of households, the East Lothian Climate Hub is acquiring a thermal imaging camera for Garvald and Morham. Reports will be issued showing areas of any heat loss and recommended measures to improve insulation .

We are looking for four local volunteers to help. This would entail attending a training course, in East Lothian, and visiting around one household per week during the six months of winter/cold weather.

If you are interested in helping, please complete the contact form, below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form:


    PUBlic Philosophy at The Garvald Inn – Wednesday 5th June

    On Wednesday 5th June, 8-10pm (not Thursday as usual), we will have an ad hoc PUBlic Philosophy event. Pascal Brixel (from Northwestern University in Chicago), Jan Kandiyali (from the University of York), and Barry Maguire (University of Edinburgh) will attempt to make a case for Twenty-First Century CommunismWe will offer a moral argument rather than an economic one, and rather than offering criticisms of capitalism (which is shooting fish in a barrel) we will develop a positive case for a radical alternative, based on the value of solidarity in our productive lives. All welcome as always. ¡Viva la Revolución!

    REMINDER: Local Community Engagement Visits – Police Scotland

    Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Logo
    The Police
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    Community Engagement Visits

    The Haddington Community Officer will be out and about in the community engagement van on Tuesday 14th May.

    Gifford from 10-11AM parking in the Square

    Garvald 1115 – 1215 parking at the Town Hall

    East Linton 2pm – 3pm at Station Road/Bridge End where parking permits

    Message Sent By
    Alannah Juchniewicz
    (Police Scotland, PC, J Div – East Lothian – Community Planning Officer, Haddington)

    Garvald Village Hall Update

    The Garvald Village Hall Committee want to provide an update for the village on the hall and upcoming events and actions.

    The committee are currently working with a range of building specialists to obtain surveys and quotations for remedial work required to ensure the longevity of the building for use by the village for many years to come. The works will be scheduled around regular bookings as far as possible and plenty of notice will be given.

    There are five weddings happening in the hall this year which is wonderful as it is super to see the hall being used for such happy occasions; the weddings also provide essential funding.

    The committee would also like to remind villagers that they are available to facilitate and support with any events individuals or small groups wish to arrange. Some examples that have happened in the past and some current suggestions are as follows:

    Fancy dress party
    Formal ball
    Burns supper
    Table Jumble sale
    Village Monthly Sunday lunch

    If anyone is interested in taking on arranging a Village Event, please do contact the GVHT committee. You can use the contact form, below:

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)


      Your Message

      Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form:


      Local Community Engagement Visits – Police Scotland

      Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Logo
      The Police
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      Community Engagement Visits

      The Haddington Community Officer will be out and about in the community engagement van on Tuesday 14th May.

      Gifford from 10-11AM parking in the Square

      Garvald 1115 – 1215 parking at the Town Hall

      East Linton 2pm – 3pm at Station Road/Bridge End where parking permits

      Message Sent By
      Alannah Juchniewicz
      (Police Scotland, PC, J Div – East Lothian – Community Planning Officer, Haddington)

      An offer has been received to purchase Garvald Church which is acceptable to the Church of Scotland Trustees.

      An entry date of 17th May has been proposed for the sale and accordingly, with great sadness, it is likely that Sunday 5th May 2024 at 9.30am will be the last service to be held by Garvald and Morham Parish in Garvald church.

      We look forward to welcoming everybody who would like to attend.

      Tea/ coffee and cake will be served in the Stables after the service.

      Neither the Stables not the Glebe are included in the sale.

      Garvald and Morham Fun Day Returns!

      Garvald and Morham Fun Day 2024 will take place on Saturday 10th August 2024 to give the community a chance to come together and celebrate the summer. Plans are still in the works but you can expect fun and games and lots of yummy refreshments.

      The Fun Day Needs You!

      Any volunteers who would like to be part of the day, no matter how big or small (e.g. running an event, setting up a stall, tidying up), please contact Chiara at Broomfield House (by Sunday 5th May if possible, or ASAP!!!). You can also use the contact form, below:

        Your Name (required)

        Your Email (required)


        Your Message

        Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form: