Category Archives: Announcements

Dog Fouling in Garvald

There have been a few incidences of dog fouling on the pavements of Garvald, recently.

Not picking up after a dog is disgusting, anti-social, a health hazard and particularly difficult for young children or the partially sighted to avoid.  It is also extremely frustrating for responsible dog owners who may find themselves under suspicion.

Not picking up after a dog also carries a fixed penalty of £80 to £100 and potentially up to a £500 fine if the owner is convicted of an offence.

If you have a dog and find yourself (or your dog…!) caught short without a poo bag, there is now a roll of poo bags hanging in the entrance to the kids’ shelter in the park – help yourself.

Please see the link, below, to East Lothian Council’s process for reporting dog fouling:

Dog fouling | Litter and street cleaning | East Lothian Council


Christmas Eve in Garvald

The kirk might not be an official Church anymore, but the new owner is happy for the community to use it this Christmas Eve.
After the traditional caroling on the green (around the Christmas tree at 6pm), please feel welcome to pop along to the kirk for a very casual half-hour or so of extra festive midwinter/solstice/Christmas Eve cheer. Bring a reading or a poem or a song to share (before the kids go bonkers and we all rush off to bed)?

Calling all singers and music -makers!

We will have the usual carol-singing round the Garvald Christmas Tree from 6 pm on Christmas Eve. Please bring bells, shakers, drums and any other instrument you can think of. Carol sheets will be provided.

Future Yoga Classes in Garvald Village Hall

If you have or think you might have any interest in taking part in a yoga class in the village hall, starting in the New Year 2025, please check out the poll on Facebook, at Yoga Dragon’s page: (1) Facebook 

Or email with suggested days and times with an indication of your level of experience.

Current classes will continue in the New Year on current days and times, details of which can be found on  – although new 2025 dates not yet listed!

The poll is to assess whether an additional yoga class might have demand if at a different time or on a different day, or both!

No commitment required at this stage – just expressions of interest.

Thanks for all the RSVPs so far.

Still time for you to pop your money in an envelope, decide whether to make a salad or dessert and return your RSVP to Gary and Caroline at The Old Schoolhouse, Garvald.

You may have noticed that Santa’s sleigh-disguised-as-a-skip has gone! Off to Greenland! Christmas is getting closer.

Garvald and Morham Children’s Christmas Party 2024 – Saturday 7th December

Some more details ahead of this year’s children’s Christmas party!

Saturday 7th December, 2-4pm

Garvald Village Hall

Ceilidh and Party Tea

Top Secret Visitor – listen for sleigh bells!

Please bring with you:

  • a plate of food (bought or made) to contribute to the party tea
  • a (hidden!) small wrapped gift (suggested max £5-10 mark) with your child’s name clearly marked on it. Please bring these as covertly as possible to the kitchen on arrival at the hall – the elves will then work their magic.

Thank you, and see you on the dance floor!

November Coffee Morning

The November coffee morning will take place on Friday 15th (3rd Friday of the month) at 11 am in the Stables.

A couple of people have already offered to provide edibles so everyone else can relax and sample what’s on offer.

A certain “historical document” will be available to peruse!! Irresistable.