Author Archives: stenton footlights news

Playpark Painting

Dear All

Looking for volunteers to help spruce up the playpark at 5.00pm on Saturday the 3rd of August.

We will need brushes, power sanders, long flex (to reach Hazel’s house) etc, so if you’ve got those all the better. Also, if there are any professional painters in the village, expert advice would be much appreciated.

Let me know if you are interested in helping on 01620 830 307 (or using form below).

Please spread the word – the more people that come along, the quicker the job!

All the best


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    Before We Forget – Snow Clearance Questions

    Dear All

    You will remember that the idea has been put forward that we put together a gang of volunteers to help clear snow from in front of the homes of people who are too old/infirm to do it themselves. Before the summer arrives and we forget all about this issue, can I ask you to think about the following questions:

    1) Would you be willing to be part of such a group?
    2) Have you needed this sort of help in the past / do you know anyone in the village who does?

    Please let me know using the form below, so that I can get a feel for the scope of the challenge and the potential size of the group we might be able to put together.

    Many thanks


      Garvald and Morham Community Council Enquiries:

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      Snow plough v2

      Dear All

      Following on from Tim’s post about the snow plough idea, the Community Council would just like to clarify that the idea was only turned down after lengthy debate on the grounds that: 1) Crystal Rig had indicated in writing that it would not support it as it was work ‘the Council should do’. 2) There were widely held concerns about issues of liability, health and safety etc; 3) It was felt that as the problem was sporadic and relatively infrequent, community funding of the levels needed would be best spent elsewhere.

      That said, everyone agreed that the problem was something that should be addressed, so it was felt that – as Tim explained – we would do the following: 1) Scope out the extent of the problem; 2) Work out what cost-effective equipment is needed (eg. grit bins, shovels, etc); 3) Get together a group of volunteers to help dig out those in need when the
      time comes; 4) Work to ensure that the Council upholds its statutory duties so that main roads (and as many side roads as possible) are kept clear.

      Rufus has said that he is happy to move this forward, but would like help (Indeed, if anyone would like to take on the co-ordination of a group to tackle this, that would be great). Anyone who is interested in lending a hand both in terms of collecting information and/or wielding a shovel please use the contact form below.


      The Community Council

        Garvald and Morham Community Council Enquiries:

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        Get your ticket before the train leaves the station

        It’s just a week until the Stenton Footlights start their run of the “Titfield Thunderbolt’, so get your ticket now if you haven’t already done so!

        This promises to be a great evening of railway-based humour, as a small village battles against the forces of petty bureaucracy (sounds familiar!).

        Performances at 7.30pm from Wed 27th – Sat 30th March at Stenton Village Hall.

        Tickets from Janette MacDonald on 01368 850665.

        See you there


        Stenton Play – The Titfield Thunderbolt

        Dear All

        Just thought you’d like to know about the upcoming play from the
        Stenton Footlights. It’s called the Titfield Thunderbolt and should be
        a great show.

        The dates of the performances are Wed 27th – Sat 30th March at 7.30 pm
        at Stenton Village Hall. Tickets (£6 adults; £4 children) can be
        ordered from Janette MacDonald 01368 850665.

        Please tell all your friends!



        Woodland Project Update

        To update you all on the Garvald Woodlands Project I can confirm, as a result of several discussions since our last meeting, the bottom line is that everyone concerned is very keen to bring this to a conclusion and, whilst time is not on our side, the aim is still to have these trees down later this year.

        Unfortunately, the exceptionally late harvest has pushed thing back significantly, and then the ploughing and reseeding of the field required for the extraction of the timber presented a further potential delay. However the tenant, Mr Hamilton, appreciates the position and is happy for the trees to be taken over this land, and is prepared to replant where necessary.

        The abbot, Father Mark, appears every bit as keen as we for the felling to go ahead, particularly since he is again receiving direct requests for this from villagers despite having chased everyone concerned for action.

        Scottish Woodlands has also reported some delays with finalising the documentation required to allow them to proceed.

        It has been pointed out that due to the loose soil conditions within the field, a repeat of the particularly wet weather we encountered recently could make it impractical for large vehicles to gain access to the site. We therefore have to hope for some frosty conditions instead.

        Jim Thomson