Author Archives: stenton footlights news

Proposed new route for power cables

The Community Council has been asked to get any comments or concerns about a proposed new route for the 11KV overhead line that runs near the Grange Steading.

Please take a look at the Garvald_Grange_Revised_Plan on which the new route that crosses the Church of Scotland fields is highlighted in yellow, with the existing line marked in green.

If you do have any comments on this, please use the Contact us page.

Cheers and Happy New Year


Neighbourhood Watch Meeting on Thursday

Meeting in the Village Hall Thursday 9th January 7.15 for 7.30 start

Good Morning All,

Just a wee reminder that we will be having a short meeting with our local community police officers on Thursday this week, please try and come along if possible.

Two other items to report:

Our Neighbourhood Watch signs are on order, unfortunately there is a delay with the manufacture of the signs and they will not be installed till February. The other item to report was that we organised a speed check on Saturday in the Village with the Police no offences were detected.

At our meeting we will have PC Lynn Black and her colleague PC Kelly Brown to advise us in what we all can do to help minimise crime in our Village.



Neighbourhood Watch Update

Good Afternoon,

A few Neighbourhood Watch things have been happening in the background which I would like to share with you all.

Neighbourhood Watch signs for the village have been ordered and will be fitted in due course by East Lothian Council. There will be 7 signs erected on lampposts around various parts of the village to gain maximum exposure to our scheme.

Additional signs will be placed up at Castle Moffat, the entrance to Nunraw Barns, Garvald Grange and Tanderlane Cottages. I would hope that all the signs are up before the end of this month.

There is a cost to purchase the signs and have them fixed in the various locations, the cost is £215.40 which will be paid for through Garvald & Morham Community Council’s Local Priority Fund.

I also have small Neighbourhood Watch window stickers which I will put (1) through all current members letter box in the next week.

Finally can you keep Thursday 9th Jan free when we will hold a short meeting in the Village Hall when PC Lynn Black will explain our roll in Garvald Neighbourhood Watch and any other related matters. The proposed time is 7.15 for a 7.30pm start, hopefully we can show a good turn out. I will remind every one nearer the time and have it placed on our Web site as well.

Who should I Call in the event of an incident?

If you feel threatened, unsafe, or suspicious of a caller, contact the Police immediately on 999

If you see something suspicious in Garvald or want more advice about doorstep crime, contact the Police on 101

Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Kind regards and be safe,


Calling all Thespians

Just to let you know that the Stenton Footlights are holding auditions for their 2014 production this Thursday, 19th December in Stenton Village Hall at 7pm. The play will be ‘Season’s Greetings’ by Alan Ayckbourn. The production will take place during the last week of March. For more details contact Rufus.

Agenda for Community Council Meeting on 2/12/13

Garvald & Morham Community Council

For meeting to be held on Monday, 2nd December
At 7pm, Morham Village Hall

1. Attendance and Apologies

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

3. Matters Arising from Minutes

4. Councillors’ Report

5. Update from Kirstie Shearer, Council Liaison Rep

6. Update from Ian Smith, Broadband Rep

7. Update from Phillip White, Funding Rep
• Outdoor gym equipment for adults/teenagers.

8. Update from Ian Middlemass, Treasurer

9. Local Planning Applications

10. Garvald and Morham Updates
• Speeding and Road Safety Issues in Garvald.
• Neighbourhood watch in Garvald.

11. Garvald Woodland Project

12. A.O.C.B.
• 1st responders
• You Pay… Have Your Say – community consultation exercise
• Consultation on the Community Empowerment Bill
• Reports from Lammermuir CC meeting and Assoc of East Lothian CC meeting.

Everyone Welcome

Getting Ready For Winter

Yes it is the time of year when, unfortunately, we must turn our attention to the fact that Winter is upon us and be ready for everything it has to throw at us! We all know that bad weather and difficult driving conditions are all part of living rurally but there are a few things we can do to make it a little easier for us all.

The Council website ( has helpful information contained on the “Transport and Streets” section regarding winter maintenance on roads, gritting etc. Also have a look at the Scottish Government’s “Ready Scotland” website where you can find out how to get updates on road conditions via Facebook, email or SMS alerts! Also see our new Safety Information webpage.

Grit bins and shovels are available throughout the villages of Garvald and Morham for use of the local community – if you don’t know where to access them please let us know by posting a comment to this item.

The Community Council have been requested by the Council’s Roads Section to ask that residents please give some consideration when parking to allow access, not just for emergency vehicles, but also for the machines gritting and clearing snow. The wide blades of the snow clearers are particularly hard to manoeuvre and if the operators cannot get access or if the area looks too difficult to get into then they will simply be unable to grit or clear snow. They have pointed out a particular difficulty at Garvald Grange but it makes sense for everyone to be aware of this issue.

We are lucky to have a wonderful community spirit but sometimes people don’t always like to ask for help. If you have any elderly or infirm neighbours perhaps they would be grateful for an offer of help during bad weather such as clearing a path or picking up essential groceries etc.

If anyone wants to make any comments, volunteer to be part of a ‘shovelling squad’ to help those who need it, or feels that they may need any extra assistance in the event of severe weather, please contact us.

Garvald & Morham Community Council – AGENDA

For meeting to be held on Monday, 7th October
At 7pm, Garvald Village Hall

1. Attendance and Apologies
2. Minutes of Last Meeting
3. Matters Arising from Minutes
4. Councillors’ Report
5. Update from Kirstie Shearer, Council Liaison Rep
6. Update from Ian Smith, Broadband Rep
7. Update from Phillip White, Funding Rep
8. Update from Ian Middlemass, Treasurer
9. Local Planning Applications
10. Garvald and Morham Updates
11. Garvald Woodland Project
12. A.O.C.B.

Everyone Welcome

Property Repair & Maintenance Evening Event – Invitation to Attend

General invite to attend an Evening Event on Tuesday 3rd September, at John Gray Centre, Haddington

The aim of the event is to give advice and support to encourage owners to maintain their buildings and to repair using the appropriate materials and techniques. The lessons learnt through repairing properties will be shared and experts will be available to give their advice to home owners.

The event will run from 5.30pm-7.30pm. Please click here Haddington_invite_flyer for further information on this free event.

Please rsvp to if you would like to attend.