Author Archives: Morham Web Admin

Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community: Renewables

GMCC and a group of local volunteers are working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access practical assitance and advice around heating your home. Not only will we be creating a ‘Meet the Experts’ event in Garvald Vllage Hall on Saturday 3rd February, we will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming month, through this site and the Facebook channels.


Find out if your home is suitable for a heat pump, solar panels, energy storage or other renewable technologies, by visiting the Energy Saving Trust’s Home Renewables Selector.

Home Energy Scotland also provide free specialist advice if you are thinking about installing renewables. Why not give them a call on 0808 808 2282 today?

Advisors will be available at our event in Garvald Village Hall on Saturday 3rd February.

Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community: Help with energy bills

GMCC and a group of local volunteers are working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access practical assitance and advice around heating your home. Not only will we be creating a ‘Meet the Experts’ event in Garvald Vllage Hall on Saturday 3rd February, we will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming month, through this site and the Facebook channels.

Support available – fuel debt or energy bills

If you or someone you know is struggling to deal with fuel debt or energy bills, support is available to provide you with free practical advice and information. For further support information, you can contact Citizens Advice Scotland online or call 0800 028 1456, or contact EnergyAdvice.Scot online or call 0808 196 8660 for further support and information. They may even be able to speak with the energy supplier on your behalf.

Warm Home Discount
The Warm Home Discount takes £150 off your electricity bill if you are eligible. You can check this by first seeing if your energy supplier is signed up to the scheme and then contacting them about their criteria and how to apply. The scheme for winter 2023-2024 opened in September so act now to avoid missing out.

Advisers will also be on hand at our event on 3rd February, Garvald Village Hall.



Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community: Efficiency Grants

GMCC and a group of local volunteers are working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access practical assitance and advice around heating your home. Not only will we be creating a ‘Meet the Experts’ event in Garvald Vllage Hall on Saturday 3rd February, we will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming month, through this site and the Facebook channels.

Funding for home efficiency improvements
Home efficiency grants and schemes let you make upgrades to your property, helping to keep it warmer for longer. You can find out more about the latest funding schemes available by calling Home Energy Scotland for free on 0808 808 2282 or by visiting Home Efficiency Grants | Changeworks.

Advisers will also be on hand at our event on 3rd February, Garvald Village Hall.

Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community: Heating and Hot Water

GMCC and a group of local volunteers are working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access practical assitance and advice around heating your home. Not only will we be creating a ‘Meet the Experts’ event in Garvald Vllage Hall on Saturday 3rd February, we will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming month, through this site and the Facebook channels.

Heating and hot water

On average, heating and hot water account for 80% of the energy used in a household. So upgrading your boiler or storage heaters can make a big difference on your energy bills and comfort (especially if they are over 10 years old). You can find out more about the latest funding schemes available by calling Home Energy Scotland for free on 0808 808 2282.

Funding for heating upgrades

If you are an owner-occupier, there might be funding available to upgrade or replace your heating system. You can find out more about the latest funding schemes available by calling Home Energy Scotland for free on 0808 808 2282.

Advisors will be available at our event in Garvald Village Hall on Saturday 3rd February


Low Carbon Rural Communities Partnership

GMCC and a group of local volunteers have been working with Changeworks and Home Energy Scotland on a project which aims to help residents of rural areas access assitance towards becoming ‘Low Carbon Communities’.

We are hoping to hold a ‘Meet the Expert’ event early next year which could offer advice on everything from struggling with fuel bills; to making your home warmer and more efficient; to top tips to save energy in the home;  to installing renewable technologies. This advice covers renter, landlords and owner-occupier accomodation plus small businesses.  There is also quite a bit of financial and practical support available for these.

We will also be sharing information on a variety of these topics over the coming months, through this site and the Facebook channels.

Please watch out for the registration of interest survey too which wll help us know which experts to bring along.

Could you help?

To get the most from this offer, we need a few more people to help set this up, share information, collect and generate ideas, or help at the event. Please let us know on the contact form if you would like to get involved.

There is also the opportunity for one or two local volunteers to receive free training on how to give basic energy advice and signpost the practical and financial support available which will help us all after the event.

This project has been fully funded and we are so lucky to have been chosen as one of the first communities to participate.

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    Garvald and Morham Christmas Theatre Trip

    The Snow Queen at Edinburgh’s Royal Lyceum Theatre on
    Sunday 3rd December at 1pm
    Coach available with pick up and return – Garvald and Morham Loanhead

    40 tickets are currently available at £7.50 per person on first come first served basis and you must be a resident of Garvald and Morham ward. Please complete the contact form below, including number of adult and child tickets requred, to receive the booking link.

    Booking closes on Thursday 16th November or when full.

    The theatre recommends that this show is suitable for 5+ years. It is approx 2 hours including interval.

    Pick up in Garvald and Morham will be from 11:30am, returning at approximately 4pm.

    Ths trip is subsidised by Crystalrigg Community Windfarm and organised by your Community Council.

    More show information

      Morham Website Contact Form:

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      Would you like to see the return of the Christmas Theatre Trip?

      For many years we had a Garvald and Morham annual trip to the Royal Lyceum Theatre in Edinburgh for the Christmas show. Your Community Council would like to know if you would enjoy the return of this trip.

      This year’s offering at the Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh is
      The Snow Queen

      Aince upon a time, in a world lang forgotten, strange creatures roamed the land…
      When the beautiful and fearsome Snow Queen steals young Kei away to her frozen kingdom, she leaves behind the brave and brilliant Gerda, an Edinburgh lass who will stop at nothing to rescue her best friend.
      But the Snow Queen has lodged shards of her magical ice into Kei’s heart, turning him cold and mean. Can Gerda, with the help of friends she meets along the way, track her pal through the magical, wintery world of the Snow Queen and melt his frozen heart before it’s too late?
      Join us for a beautiful, festive and musical adventure as we follow young Gerda on her quest to save Kei, and the world, from an eternal winter. Snow, songs, ice palaces, and a dazzling pink unicorn awaits!

      Tickets are £35- £29 each plus approx £10 each for bus hire, but with Community Council subsidy, each ticket, including return bus travel would be offered at £7.50 per person. You must be a resident of the Garvald and Morham ward and the show is suitable for children over 5 and their families.
      This would hopefully be a Sunday matinee in early December, depending on ticket availability.

      Please note your interest on this form. Deadline is 21st October.

      More show information


      Christmas Theatre Trip

      Update on bookings

      Morham bus – fully booked
      Garvald bus – 4 spaces remaining

      We also have 5 tickets that are for people who wish to make their own way to the theatre.

      It may be possible to upgrade to a larger bus for Garvald and Morham Loanhead (Not Morham Mainshill due to the narrow bridge). Please message me on the form below if you are unable to book the tickets you need). DEADLINE 12th November.


      SUNDAY 12th December 2021

      CHRISTMAS DINNER at Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh, 1:30pm (buses leave at noon)

      BOOKING DEADLINE 12th November 1pm.

      Due to funding from the Crystal Rig Community Windfarm, Garvald and Morham Community Council are able to organise this trip once again.

      Including return coaches – one from each of Garvald and Morham – (noon – approx. 4pm)

      Tickets £6 per person
      Book here –

      Please contact us, using the contact form at the bottom of this post, for the password.

      All families must be Garvald and Morham Ward residents. Map here.

      About the show – 

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        Christmas Theatre goes online

        In the absence of the usual Family Christmas Theatre trip we’re posting information about some of the alternatives available to watch at home this year:

        We usually go to the Lyceum Edinburgh, they are offering Lyceum Christmas Tales

        On 1 Dec, a free 15 minute Christmas story will appear on The Lyceum Website for families to share at bedtime. Then, a brand new story will appear every other day until the 16th of December – 8 free stories in all. You can visit us here to watch them on the website as they appear or sign up to receive them by email. The final 4 Christmas Tales will be performed together in a special live show with musical interludes on a transformed Lyceum stage between 16-20 December, £10.

        Other options:
        All available free to stream at home but please do consider donating if you can.

        National Theatre of Scotland – Rapunzel

        Brunton Theatre – Rapunzel

        Scottish Ballet – The Secret Theatre Christmas Special