Author Archives: Morham Web Admin

Tell us what you thought

In autumn of 2024, Garvald and Morham Community Council, with the financial support of Crystal Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, presented an offer to all 199 households in the Ward. WE WANT TO KNOW YOUR OPINIONS ON THIS SCHEME.

The offer comprised:

1 – £100 to every household to offset the extra costs of broadband and fuel bills due to the majority of homes being without access to fibre or mains gas.

2 – Extra help for those who needed it of £200. This was done by self-certification by providing an extra tick-box on the claim form. The aim was to remove any stigma but acknowledging that some of our neighbours may need more support.

3 – Financial support towards installation of any renewable or energy efficiency measure that is supported by Home Energy Scotland. This is offered at 15% of loan or grant offered to a maximum of £1000. This allowed us to use Home Energy Scotland’s assessment mechanisms while promoting more cost effective and greener alternatives. This followed an information event in Garvald in February 2024 . This fund is still open.

The claims were completed by short forms which could be returned online, by email or by post. Proof of address by Council Tax statement was required.

Initially, we used email lists, social media and our website to promote as much as we could. In October, volunteers then posted flyers through the doors of anyone who had not yet claimed.


  • 103 households claimed the £100
  • 11 households claimed the extra support payments
  • 5 households have submitted claims for the installations support. This covers three Air Source Heat Pumps, one PV battery storage and one for secondary glazing.  

Total awarded

Payment for all £10,300
Extra support £2,200
Installations £3,495
TOTAL £15,995


Deadline approaching to claim your £100 rural living support payment

We are delighted that 49% of our households have supported this initiative and taken us up on this offer. Please note the deadline of 30th November. 

All households in the ward are offered a small payment of £100 to be claimed against fuel bills or rural broadband costs. This payment is administrated by Garvald and Morham Community Council with Crystal Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund.

If you are struggling with your energy bills, you may be eligible for additional payment. Please tick the relevant box on the form.

Please complete the form here or use the contact form below to arrange paper or emailable versions.

Please note that this is available to homes in Garvald and Morham Ward only and applications will be checked against the Ward address list provided to us by East Lothian Council.

You should be aware that your data will be held as per Garvald and Morham Community Council Data Protection Policy in order to process your application and to report to funders on this project. Installations will be reported but unattached to any personal details.

As ever, our thanks go to Crystal Rig Community Benefit Fund for making this possible.

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    Rural Support Payments

    We will soon be starting our leaflet drop to all households who have not yet applied for the £100 rural support payment.

    Save us paper and stepcount by sending in your application now. We would also be grateful if you would share with in your local WhatsApp, email groups or networks. Or maybe you have a neighbour who is not online? We can send you a prntable version to hand to them.

    The rural suport fund is available for ALL households in the ward in recognition of extra costs of living rurally. A third of the households in our community have already received their payment.

    Rural support for all (£100) – application form here

    The leaflet will also include information regarding the contribution for renewables / energy effciency installations.
    Low Carbon Community contributions for households – application form here

    If you have any trouble with the forms, or would prefer a printable version, please email me at for alternative methods.

    Both funds are managed by GMCC by application to Crystal Rig Community Windfarm Community Benefit Fund.

    We are also looking for volunteers to take some of the leaflets round. Please let me know if you can help.

    Anna, on behalf of GMCC

    Just because you live here!

    Just because you live here, that’s the only criteria needed!

    We are delighted that nearly 20% of households have now claimed our new rural payment, made available by Garvald and Morham Community Council.
    We would love ALL households in the ward to take up this offer. Please click on the link below to find out more.

    Also note the Low Carbon grant on offer to all households who install a selection of renewable alternatves or energy efficiency measures anytime since January 2024. Again, more on the link, with links on where to get advice if you are thinking of installing.

    Support as we head towards winter

    From Anna and all at GMCC
    Please send any queries through the form:

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      Support as we head towards winter

      Have you turned your heating on yet?
      As we head towards the colder months, two new support projects are now live:

      Rural support for All

      All households in the ward are offered a small payment of £100 to be claimed against fuel bills or rural broadband costs. This payment is administrated by Garvald and Morham Community Council with Crystal Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund.

      We are also working with Home Energy Scotland to get advice and support with fuel bills to those who need it. Home Energy Scotland are a free and impartial advice service funded by the Scottish Government and managed by the Energy Saving Trust. They can advise on, energy saving, keeping warm at home, renewable energy, cutting water waste and more. You can contact Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 or visit Home Energy Scotland.

      To apply, please complete this form. You will need to attach a photo of the address panel of your 2024-5 Council Tax letter, clearly showing your address.

      If you are struggling with your energy bills, you may be eligible for additional payment. Please tick the relevant box on the form.

      Please see notes below

      Support now available toward energy efficient measures in our rural community

      Grants and interest-free loans funded by Scottish Government are available for a range of home insulation, efficiency  measures or renewable technologies, with extra help for rural communities, and now, GMCC with Crystal Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, are offering additional financial support to homeowners within the Garvald and Morham Ward. 

      First, go to to look through the process and find what might be right for your home. You can also call Home Energy Scotland for free advice on 0808 808 2282. 

      If you decide to go ahead with any of the supported measures, a copy of your Offer Letter for a Home Energy Scotland grant and/or loan (dated 01/01/24 onwards) will allow you to claim your Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community Allowance of 15% of the total on your Offer Letter,  to maximum of £1000 per household, granted on a first-come-first-served basis, to an overall initial total of £20,000.  

      Please note that larger government grants are available for those over 75 yrs with no heating, or heating over 10 years old, through Warmer Homes Scotland. Call the Home Energy Scotland number above to find out more. 

      To apply, please complete this form. You will need to attach a copy of your Home Energy Scotland Offer letter, clearly showing your address and offer amount. Letters must have a 2024 issue date.

      Please see notes below


      Please note that both are available to homes in Garvald and Morham Ward only and applications will be checked against the Ward address list provided to us by East Lothian Council.

      You should be aware that your data will be held as per Garvald and Morham Community Council Data Protection Policy in order to process your application and to report to funders on this project. Installations will be reported but unattached to any personal details.Please contact us at with any queries.Volunteers are needed to help deliver paper copies of this offer to those who may not access through the website and social media. Please email us if you are able to help.


      In case you missed it…. more chances to find out about energy at home

      In follow up to our Low Carbon Communities event, Changeworks will be hosting an online information session for anyone who may have missed their series of local community events, This will be held online on 27th March at 6pm
      Sign up here –

      They are also hosting an online quiz where you can learn more about saving energy and be entered to win a £100 voucher. You can also sign up to receive a small pack of energy saving measures if eligible at the end of the quiz.
      Quiz open for two weeks: Home Heating competition – Changeworks


      Presentation Slides from our Low Carbon Event

      The slides from the presentation brought to our Garvald and Morham event by Home Energy Scotland are now available to download here –

      Garvald & Morham Slides

      They outline options for insulation of traditional building, airsource heat pumps and all the grants available to homeowners and landlords. There is also details on plannng permission and how to find an installer.

      Yordan has also transcibed your questions and provided answers which you can view – here Q&A

      As mentioned, Greener Homes Network has a member in Dunbar who is happy to help people understand air source and the process of his install. Read about him and make contact here

      If you have further questions, please look at the Home Energy Scotland website for more information and details of how to contact them. Or contact Yordan and Sam at / 0808 808 2282

      Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community

      What a great event!  Thank you to everyone who joined us. We hope you found it useful.

      Gratitude also to Changeworks, Home Energy Scotland, the local organisers, the soup and cake makers, and those who went around ensuring leaflets and information was delivered to everyone in the ward.

      The slides from the presentation and Q&A are now available. These contain information on insulation, secondary glazing and airsource heat pumps, plus the grants available. These can be requested on the contact form below.
      You can also find information at or call them on 0808 808 2282. They also have a contact form at

      GMCC are delighted to have supported this event and are hoping to contnue working with Changeworks, Home Energy Scotland and other organisations to bring information and opportunities of this type to the ward.


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        Garvald and Morham Low Carbon Community Event

        Copies of this leaflet will be distributed through doors on Monday and Tuesday next week by volunteers, accompanied by Changeworks. They will be promoting our Meet the Experts event on Saturday 3rd February but also to have chats with you about how to make your home warmer and reduce your energy bills as well as what areas of lower carbon living you’re interested in to help guide our future events.

        You can also download the leaflet here

        Please contact us on the form below if you are happy to help deliver some of these leaflets next week.

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