Author Archives: Church/Social Admin

November Coffee Morning

The November coffee morning will take place on Friday 15th (3rd Friday of the month) at 11 am in the Stables.

A couple of people have already offered to provide edibles so everyone else can relax and sample what’s on offer.

A certain “historical document” will be available to peruse!! Irresistable.

The film to be shown on Friday 8th November is a Golden Oldie from 1945 – “I know where I’m going”. The story of a headstrong heroine who knows what she wants, but is waylaid by the elements and an unexpected romance is one of the most lovable films in British cinema history.

Doors open at 7.30 pm. Film starts at 8pm. You can fit in a pre-film supper at the Lanterne Rouge if you fancy!

Garvald Village Hall Trust AGM 6th November

A reminder about this event on 6th November –
Garvald Village Hall Trust AGM
Are you interested in hearing about the planned works for the village hall?
Do you want to find out what the Community Council have been doing?
Would you like an update on the Papple Steading development?
Then come along to the GVHT AGM in the hall on 6th November @ 7:30pm, where representatives from all three will be happy to share details and answer any questions or listen to any comments.
It’s your community, so don’t miss this ideal opportunity to be fully informed.
Oh and there’s going to be cheese & wine available, so who could resist?

In order to allow us to cater for anticipated numbers, if you plan to attend please respond on the link below.

The Village Hall Committee

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form:

    We have managed to keep the ticket price for The Garvald Christmas Dinner down at £7.50 per person,  thanks to a very generous donation from the Community Council. Amazingly good value!

    The format of the evening remains the same – the committee organise soup, turkey, ham, sausages, potatoes, gravy, various sauces and drinks. YOU provide the pizazz with salads and desserts. The invitations will be dropping through your letter-boxes any day now but if by chance yours goes astray, just write your own RSVP and return with payment to The Old Schoolhouse, Garvald by 27th November.  (Santa’s sledge is parked outside, disguised as a skip)

    The Annual Garvald Christmas Dinner – that beloved highlight of the festive calendar – will take place on Thursday 5th December at 7 pm. Please put the date in your diaries now, and look out for the invitations coming through your letter-boxes within the next few weeks.

    If there are any teenagers out there who are not studying for prelims that night, or busy with school dances or concerts, and who would like to earn a little bit of extra Christmas cash as they help with serving and washing-up,  please could they contact one of Santa’s angels….

    Caroline McGregor, Elaine McMillan, Trudi Cueto, Chiara Brand, Chiara Vaccaro, Gemma Gilmour, Becca Hamilton and Graeme Maxton

    And since we fear there are not many teenagers who routinely check the website please could we ask the Mums and Dads to draw this message to their attention.

    Garvald Village Hall Trust AGM

    Garvald Village Hall Trust AGM
    Are you interested in hearing about the planned works for the village hall?
    Do you want to find out what the Community Council have been doing?
    Would you like an update on the Papple Steading development?
    Then come along to the GVHT AGM in the hall on 6th November @ 7:30pm, where representatives from all three will be happy to share details and answer any questions or listen to any comments.
    It’s your community, so don’t miss this ideal opportunity to be fully informed.
    Oh and there’s going to be cheese & wine available, so who could resist?
    In order to allow us to cater for anticipated numbers, if you plan to attend please respond on the link below.

    The Village Hall Committee

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)


      Your Message

      Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form:

      Pop-up Coffee-mornings

      The next pop-up Coffee Morning will take place on Friday 18th October and there is a proposal to hold them once a month in the Stables, on the third Friday of the month. Everybody is most welcome from 11 am onwards.

      Any small donations as payment for coffee and cake will be collected for charity.

      Gifford Film Club – Friday 11th October

      The film this month is “Past Lives” Two deeply connected childhood friends are wrest apart after Nora’s family emigrates from South Korea. 20 years later, they are reunited for one fateful week. What will happen?

      Prepare yourself for the emotional journey by booking in for the pre-film supper at the Lanterne Rouge. Sweet potato, spinach and chickpea curry for £15 – book at the cafe. Film starts at 8 pm