Many thanks to all those who attended the Village Hall’s AGM on Wednesday night. A synopsis of discussions is now available on the Trust pages of this website.
At the meeting, the management committee offered a number of thank-yous. Two ought be reiterated here. Firstly, thank-you to GMCC for their financial support and grant funding of important maintenance projects like the renewal and painting of the Hall’s outside windows. And secondly, thanks to all the Garvald residents who have supported the Hall and especially to those who have volunteered to help out at events.
Despite a couple of new recruits, the Hall’s management committee is still a tad short of members. Would anyone else like to join? We’re talking a maximum of one formal meeting per month as most business is dealt with on e-mail. The other big “burden” is putting on village events – which many of you help out at anyway … No more hard sell! Drop us a line if you are interested, or have a chat with one of the existing team – Barrie, Hazel, Katy or Caroline.